
Kirti Mandir
Kirti is a Kenyan born British citizen of Indian origin. His work has been widely exhibited in various museums and art galleries throughout the U.K. and abroad and has been featured several times on TV documentaries in many countries. His work can be seen in both public and private collections world wide. He has taught in many art colleges in the U.K. and Ireland.
Kirti Mandir is deeply involved with community art and also related music projects. In his art he expresses the simple and serene, with inspiration coming from prehistoric art, anthropomorphic sculptures and functional objects. His work is mostly based on human forms using a variety of materials including bronze, stone and wood and combining modern and traditional techniques. His sculptures are often based on the theme of Genesis and the theme of his paintings is Equilibrium.
Statement from Kirti:
"In my art I try and express the simple and serene, with inspiration coming from prehistoric art anthropormorphic sculptures and functional objects. My work is mostly based on human form. I use a variety of materials including bronze, stone and wood and combine modern and traditional techniques. I was born in Africa in Nairobi, Kenya, but then moved to India at a young age to study. I later moved on to stay in Britain where I have remained, I feel that contrasting places where I have lived has greatly influenced my art.
"Art is my life. It gives me great pleasure and peace of mind and is very relaxing."
Areas of work
Figurative sculpture, Bronze, Stone, Wood, Painting, Acrylic(s) on paper, Weavings - Hand woven pieces.
Kirti was the architect and sculptor on a very important piece of public art, the Miners Memorial, Muirkirk. He has also recently completed a bust of Robert Burns, commissioned by Common Ground Scotland.
Qualifications and Training
1953 Born in Nairobi, Kenya
1978 Certificate in metal casting, Faculty of Fine Arts, Baroda, India
1976 Diploma in sculpture, Kala Kendra, Vallabh Vidhyanagar, India 1972 Art teachers training, Kala Kendra, Vallabh Vidhyanagar, India
Teaching Experience
2009 Visiting tutor at Tramway centre, Bronze Casting Workshop, Glasgow, Scotland
2009 Visiting tutor at Galgale, Glasgow, Scotland
2007 CGOTH, McDaniel College, Maryland, USA
2003 Master class, Bronze casting in sculpture, Brodick, Scotland
1999 Visiting lecturer, Crawford College of Art and Design, Cork, Ireland
1996 Part-time lecturer, South Tipperary Arts centre, Clonmel, Ireland
1993-95 Part-time lecturers, West Herts. College, Berkhampstead, England
1988-91 Part-time lecturer, Richmond Adult College, London. England
1988-96 Visiting lecturer, Bellarmine Arts Centre, Glasgow, Scotland 1988-90 Visiting lecturer, Glasgow School of Art, Scotland
Awards and Residencies
2007 Invited Artist at Common Ground on the Hill, Westminster, Maryland, USA
2005-07 Visiting artist at the Festival of World music, Ceilidh Gall Gallowa, Carsphairn, Scotland
2005 Visiting artist at the Festival of World music, Ceilidh Gall Gallowa, Carsphairn, Scotland
2005 Visiting artist at the Cumnock Music Festival, Ayrshire, Scotland 2004 East Ayrshire Woodland Art Projects, Sorn, Scotland
2003-2006 Artist in Residence, Common Ground Scotland, Ayrshire, Scotland
2000 & 2005 Galgale Trust, Govan Community Smithy Project, Glasgow, Scotland
1990-2002 Artist in School, England, Scotland, and Ireland
1990-2000 Community Arts Projects, Strathclyde Regional Council and Glasgow District Council, Scotland
1992 Visiting artist, Sculpture studios, Glasgow, Scotland
1990 Visiting artist at the festival: Cultural City of Europe, Glasgow, Scotland
1978 Gujarat State Lalit Kala Academy, Ahmedabad, India
1974 Gujarat State Lalit Kala Academy, Ahmedabad, India
Solo Exhibitions
2014 Strathearn Artspace, Crieff, Perth,Scotland
2011 Mala Gallery, Nowy Sacz, Poland
2010 Tolbooths Arts Centre, Kirkcudbridge, Scotland
2007 Invited artist at Florence Biennale, Florence, Italy (Forthcoming Show)
2007 Carroll Arts Centre, Westminster, Maryland, USA
2005 Beltane Studios, Peebles, Scotland
2004 Roxy Art House, Edinburgh, Scotland
2003 Burnside gallery, Brodick, Scotland
1999 Garter Lane Arts Centre, Waterford, Ireland
1997 South Tipperary Arts centre, Clonmel, Ireland
1995 Museum and Art gallery, Luton, England
1994 Museum and Art Gallery, Hitchin, England
1994 Gallery Kohler, London, England
1993 Holland Gallery, London, England
1992 Watermans Arts Centre, London, England
1988 Newburgh Street Gallery, London, England
1987 Teagles Arts, Letchworth, England
1983 Halam Gallery, London
Group Exhibitions
2010 Leicestershire Artists Association 125th Anniversary Exhibition, Leicester, England
2010 Hygg Art, Old School, Dalleagles, New Cumnock, Scotland
2008 MacLaurin Art galleries, Ayr, Scotland
2007 Invited artist at Secret Art Fair, Berlin, Germany (Forthcoming Show)
2007 The Esther Prangley Rice Gallery, Westminster, Maryland, USA
2007 Studio 4, Isle of Arran, Scotland
2007 White Gallery, Dundee, Scotland (Forthcoming Show)
2006 Rozell House Galleries, Ayr, Scotland
2005 Cumnock Music Festival, Scotland
2004 Roxy Art House, Edinburgh, Scotland
2003 Delta Studios, Larbert, Scotland
2003 Woolff Gallery, London
2002 Bellyreddin Art Studio, Bennetesbridge, Kilkenny
2001 Lismore Arts Centre, Lismore, Ireland
2001 Grennan Water Mill Studios, Thomastown, Kilkenny, Ireland
2000 Mill cove Gallery, Castletownbare, Ireland
2000 Belleridin Studio, Bennetsbridge, Kilkenny, Ireland
2000 Dyehouse Gallery, Waterford, Ireland
1999 Dyehouse Gallery, Waterford, Ireland
1999 Vanguard Gallery, Macroom, Ireland
1998 Vanguard Gallery, Macroom, Ireland
1997 Solomon Gallery, Dublin, Ireland
1997 Peoples Art Gallery, Waterford, Ireland
1995 Gallery One Eleven, Berkhampstead, England
1995 John Martin of London, London, England
1994 Gallery Kohler, London, England
1994 Thomson’s Gallery, London, England
1993 Central Library. Exhibition Hall, Watford, England
1992 Gallery One Eleven, Berkhampstead, England
1992 Piano Nobile Fine Arts, London, England
Robert Burns, New Cumnock, East Ayrshire, Scotland
Robert Burns,Muirkirk, East Ayrshire, Scotland
Lady Jean Ford, Brodick Castle, Isle of Arran, Scotland
Miner’s Memorial, Muirkirk, Scotland
East Ayrshire Woodland, Sorn, Scotland
Arts Council of Great Britain, England
Hertfordshire County Council, England
Lanarkshire Health Board, Scotland
Leicestershire Museums and Art Galleries, England
Mahatma Gandhi, Saughton Park, Edinburgh, Scotland
Isle of Arran Heritage Museum, Brodick, Scotland
Private collections world wide
Television and Radio
2011 TV-NS , Nowy Sacz, Poland, Mala Galeria – wernisaz rzezby Kirtiego Mandira, [Poland]
YouTube , Kirti Mandir w Malej Galerii, [Poland]
Mala Gallery http://www.malagaleria.pl/wyst_poprz/kirtimandir/kirtimandir.htm
2008 Scottish BBC, 18.00pm News, Scotland
2008 Scottish ITV News, 22.00pm News, Scotland
2006 Danu in India, RTE G4 Documentary, 30mins, Ireland
2005 Borders Television, Scotland
2004 Catalogue, Winter Kindling for the Soul, Toast (Delta Studios)
2003 Catalogue, Burnside Gallery
2000 Lyric notes, Lyric FM Radio, Ireland [Interview]
1999 Nationwide, RTE. Ireland [Documentary]
1998 Open House, Tipperary Mid-west radio, Ireland [Interview]
1997 Durdarshana Television India
1997 WLR 95.1FM, Waterford, Ireland
1997 Zee T.V. Satellite, UK
1994 Cable Television Documentary Hemel Hempstead, England
1993 BBC Three Counties Radio, Luton, England
1989 BBC, Network East, U.K.
1988 BBC Television Documentary, England
1978 Newsreel, Gujarat State Cinema, India
Works have also been featured on Nationwide, Blue Peter, Anglia Television, as well as on TV in America and Denmark.
Artist Illustrators, p.p.29 August 2009
Ayrshire Post, p.p. 39 [Scotland]
Cumnock Chronicle, p.p.20 [Scotland]
Scottish Customs, Margaret Bennett, p.p.168-69
Muirkirk video audio tour, [Scotland]
Scott, February issue, 2006, p.p.188-190 [Scotland]
The Glennie, Issue 10, Autumn 2004 p.p.2 [Scotland]
Cumnock Chronicle p.p. 1,12 & 20 [Scotland]
Ayrshire Post p.p.3 [Scotland]
The Falkirk Herald p.p.13, 5.2.04 [Scotland]
Cumnock Chronicle p.p.6, 27.2.04 [Scotland]
Celtic World 5.7.02 [Scotland]
Circa 90 p.p.48 Winter 1999 [Ireland]
Munster Express, 10.12.99 [Ireland]
The Examiner, 21.12.99. [Ireland]
Nationalist, p.p. 2. 22.12.99 [Ireland]
News and Star, Waterford, 3.2.99 [Ireland]
CD ROM Art's Council Collections [England]
Cycling Weekly, 6.12.99 [Ireland]
Waterford Today, 23.9.97 [Ireland]
Start, Clonmel, June/July 1997 [Ireland]
South Tipperary Today, 20.6.97 [Ireland]
Arts Work, Glasgow, 01.96 and 08.96 [Scotland]
Hitchin Gazette, 4.3.94 [England]
Luton News, 18.8.93 [England]
Hemel Hempstead and Berkhamstead Gazette 18.8.93 & 20.5.92 [England]
Express, Hemel Hampstead, 20.8.93 [England]
Arts Review, 15.7.88 [England]
Leicestershire Tracer 29.6.88 [England]
Nanak Dham Shelter, 13.4.88 [UK and Europe]
Surrey Comet, Richmond 20.7.84 29.6.84 [England]
Fulham Chronicle, London, 25.1.80 [England]
West London Observer, Fulham and Hammersmith, 24.1.81 [England] |

